About More in Common US
More in Common US was launched in 2018. It is a nonpartisan research and civic nonprofit committed to building a more united and inclusive America, where there is a deep commitment to a shared democratic culture, and where all Americans feel they belong.
We work to strengthen social cohesion and build a healthier, more inclusive democracy by executing rigorous research anchored in social psychology and by collaborating with partners to help build and implement the tools, insights, and strategies that best advance our shared goals.
Our foundational studies in the US include:
Hidden Tribes, a study of a representative sample of 8,000 Americans which found that, instead of being divided 50-50 between two opposing political groups, American society consists of seven distinctive groups, most of whom are deeply concerned by the country’s growing polarization.
Perception Gap, a study which found that that the most partisan, politically active Americans—a group we call the “Wings”—have deeply distorted perceptions of the other side.
The Threads of Texas, a study of a representative sample of 8,000 Texans generated a new map for understanding the landscape of Texans’ political and cultural attitudes and identified seven unique Texan “threads”.
More information on More in Common can be found at https://moreincommon.com/.
About our Research Methods
More in Common harnesses a range of research methods to identify, measure, and describe complex dynamics at play in culture and politics.
The bulk of the research for this newsletter is conducted on an online platform that fields studies to around 275 paid US participants, approximately representative along lines of gender, age, race, political party, educational level, and geographic region. The platform launched in February of 2022. Since then, each week More in Common fields studies that include a mix of open-ended questions, polls, and short surveys.
This work is complemented by large quantitative surveys that we field through polling partners.
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